Social Issues in IT Industry

Learn how evolution in the IT industry is causing a major shift in how the society operates and social life works.

Social Issues in IT Industry

With the emergence of IT there has been a major shift in the way the society operates and how social life works. There have been both positive and negative effects of this shift, however these negative issues were generated as a direct result of IT development. Following is a list of some of the most common social issues generated due to technological advancement:

Cyber Crime

Criminals may exploit weaknesses within computers and computer networks to enter and steal or use data to blackmail and extort money from companies.

Character Defamation

The internet is having numerous web sites where someone could intentionally or accidentally leave a potentially defamatory comment or post. A few of these locations are social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

Theft of Identity

Fraud is another negative activity that has been able to evolve in the wake of easily accessible computers and the internet. In identity theft, personal details of innocent people are harvested by a third party so that they can be used for malicious purposes. This includes carrying out illicit online transactions and other damaging activities that can have serious ramifications.

Privacy Issues

Protecting privacy in a world of social media where so much information about us is public is extremely difficult if not impossible. There have been data disasters involving mistaken identities, data mix-ups, and doctored data which adversely affect people's lives, including driving and credit records.

Health & Fitness

We are living increasingly sedentary lifestyles, because computers are removing the need for us to physically carry out many tasks, as well as keeping us bound to one spot throughout our working days as well as any free days or vacations.


  1. Bill. “10 Social Issues Computers Have Created.” The Spinning Donut, 27 Dec. 2019,
  2. 5. “Social Media and Online Defamation.”, Nolo, 10 Feb. 2015,


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